September’s Media Buzz at Hays

How this all came about…
In the summer we did a survey on migration in the construction industry, moreover, emigration from Ireland, which resulted in a report and press release which received considerable coverage in the Irish media.
At the start of September I received a call from a journalist in Switzerland, she worked for the highest rated radio show in the country on Radio Suisse Romande. She had found our story via and travelled to Dublin to interview our senior recruiting experts on recent emigration from Ireland and the jobs market.
This was followed up by a call from a journalist who worked for Avenue de l'Europe on France 3, one of the French public service stations who also saw our story online and wanted to discuss the same topics emigration from Ireland and the jobs market. They arrived earlier this week with a crew of four and interviewed Paul O’Donnell who was the spokesperson for the migration survey.
If you are an Irish company wishing to increase trade internationally, don’t underestimate the global reach of the local media with a strong PR story.
Labels: hays ireland, Jobs Ireland, pr ireland, recruitment agency ireland, work ireland