"Greening Tower of Pisa", Italy |
Wearing green, drinking Guinness and giving a thought to the Emerald Isle. That’s what people will be doing all over the world on the biggest day for brand Ireland. Are there any other truly global celebratory days with a bedrock in one country? The 4th of July, Mardi Gras or Bastille Day? I don’t think so.
Three years ago Tourism Ireland, the organisation responsible for promoting the island of Ireland overseas as a leading holiday destination, came up with a fantastic marketing plan of turning global landmarks green for the day. This year we will have the ‘Greening Tower of Pisa’, London Eye, Table Mountain in South Africa, the Empire State Building in New York, the TV Tower in Berlin, the Burj Al Arab in Dubai, the Sky Tower in Aukland, the Sydney Opera House, the Cibeles fountain in Madrid, the Burgtheater (City Hall) in Vienna, the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw, Brussels Town Hall and even the mighty Niagara Falls in the U.S. and Canada all turning green to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day.
This is an incredible achievement considering what a tiny nation we are. Once again it’s an indication of how we punch above our weight and the affection the world has for our people, country and culture. In fact you could say it’s symbolic of the other achievements we’ve had over the centuries that have helped built our reputation across most countries worldwide. Arts, sport, politics, commerce and religion have all propelled Irish people into the mindset of the people of many nations. So why shouldn’t we take advantage of it?
And while at face value it looks like ‘a bit of craic’ for the day, there are more strategic objectives around celebrating being Irish. Tourism Ireland’s is probably the most obvious, enticing as many people to take a trip to the 32 counties and help bolster a major factor in our economic recovery. There will be many temporary jobs created around St. Patrick’s Day in Ireland, even a few by ourselves! But it’s the long term prospects for the hospitality and retail industry that are so reliant on this feel-good Irish story.
Sixteen Irish government ministers will be schmoozing with dignitaries across the world telling them ‘now is the time to invest in Ireland’s recovery’. Australia, New Zealand, China, Italy, France, the Benelux and Nordic countries, Canada and many of the United States will be hearing about our road to recuperation. They’ll be encouraged to join the incredible amount of FDI that has been coming into the country recently, creating thousands of jobs.
But where is the specific skilled labour to fill those jobs, I hear you cry? Aside from the much publicised national initiatives such as skills conversion courses and changes to education curricula, it’s days like St. Patrick’s Day when we put ideas in our ex-pats’ heads to tempt them back to the old country and ply their skills in a soberer Ireland after the excesses of Celtic Tigerism. Not only that, but think of the many incredibly talented foreign individuals who can choose to live anywhere and start thinking about Ireland on the back of these celebrations?
Oh yes, it’s a clever strategy and one for which we can thank our forefathers for laying the groundwork. Promoting Brand Ireland around St. Patrick’s Day will no doubt have short and longer term effects on our economy. But how about this for a shot in the arm of our finances? Get the 80 million Irish diaspora and their friends to pay an Irish Tax on St. Patrick’s Day as thanks for what we’ve given them. Now wouldn’t that be a boost to the economy?
Lá Fhéile Pádraig Sona Daoibh!!
Stephen Flanagan
Marketing Manager
HAYS Recruiting experts worldwide
Labels: celebrations, diasopra, ex pats, green landmarks, hays, holiday, irish, life in Ireland, paddys day, St Patrick's Day, Stephen Flanagan, Tourism Ireland